
Over the years our collection of publications, books, and albums has grown into an exceptional library. By the year 2012, it had grown so large that it was necessary to create a classification system. The general public can now freely find and borrow many materials. Our goal is to constantly expand our library and add literature relevant to the interests of our local residents.

In reality, we have about a thousand items on the topics of: 

1. Literature
2. Religion
3. Sociology
4. Political science
5. Economics and administration 
6. Law 
7. Environmental science and environmental protection
8. Environmental threats
9. Geology
10. Paleontology
11. Biology
12. Ecology, hydrobiology, and biogeography
13. Botany.
14. Zoology.
15. Medicine.
16. Engineering
17. Agriculture, forestry, breeding, animal husbandry, hunting, and fishing 
18. Housekeeping
19. Transportation
20. Chemistry
21. Industry and trade
22. Construction industry
23. Spatial planning, urban planning, and landscaping 
24. Architecture.
25. Sport fishing, hunting, and shooting 
26. Geography.
27. Polish geography
28. Polish history
29. World history